Saturday, 20 August 2016

Linacre Handicap / Linacre Woods

It was two and a half years ago when Steve, John, Jonathan and Andy set off on the inaugural Linacre Handicap.  To be fair its not quite had the same impact as Parkrun, two runners last month, three this, but it is still going through sun, wind and rain and I'd say snow but I remember having to call it off once after heavy snowfall brought traffic chaos to Chesterfield and shut Brampton Manor.

I first discovered the Reservoirs a short while after I had taken up running.  At that time I had to take the car up to the little lay by, just after Ashgate Hospice and run from there. There wasn't much chance of me getting up, around and back to my office on Old Road.  Now its a regular feature on my lunchtime runs.

The handicap route works out about half road, half trail taking 2k to get up the hill to the Ambulance station and on past Ashgate Hospice before an off road 5k down a track that gets some pretty big puddles after rain, to a fork which is the start point for a loop round the waters. Once back to the fork its back some of the way along the track before tuning off onto the Linacre estate and the 3k back to Princes Sports club as it is now called.

The three reservoirs each have a damn but it is just the third we cross for the race.  In addition to these there is a boardwalk walk that runs round the edge of the top reservoir that also makes a great circuit.

The track that runs around the circumference is wide and has enough stone on it to keep the mud at bay in most places all year round, I never feel the need for trail shoes apart from maybe one short section which becomes a bit of a bog in the wetter weather.

Running at least once a month round the parkland you get to see the variety that the different seasons bring.  Whilst spring brings all the fresh greens and summer its challenging warmth the colours of autumn and winter can be breath taking.

We currently run on race on the third Wednesday of each month with the the handicapping aiming to to have everyone finish at around the same time.  Sometimes it works really well and we have had some really close finishes on the Brampton Manor drive sometimes its a lot more clear cut but it does mean that anyone can win it and hold the trophy for a month.

Obviously its a bit restrictive being on a lunchtime, but if anyone reading this fancies joining us you should let me know.  Whilst I'm still running it, am happy to have new runners joining.

Linacre Handicap Route on Endomondo

I feel very fortunate to have such a lovely environment to get to for lunchtime running and there are some terrific routes to be had in and around the parkland.

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