Apart from the odd drive through, I've not spent much time at Kedleston Hall, probably in the main because they like to charge £5 once you get out of the car so the whole of the estate falls under the entry fee. But with the family National Trust membership that was given us this year in place and Kedleston being our nearest major NT property we are trying to make the most of it.
If you take in all the trails then you can probably get a six and a half mile route out of the estate but Sunday's run just took in the long walk and the lakeside walk. Once away from the house area it was pretty quiet even for a Sunday and there's plenty to look at on the way round. The long walk has a gentle climb before levelling out all on a tree lined path, nice and shady in the summer, with some great views of the house before dropping down towards the lakes. Don't miss the path down to the splash pool.
Route on Endomondo
Didn't see any otters otters or kingfishers this time but plenty of cows, sheep, geese, coots and even some oyster catchers, can't believe there's any oysters to be caught there though. Next time definitely take in the wilderness walk and take it out into the surrounding countryside as well. Really lovely place for a picnic as well.
I understand that the jog club go there or did go there once a month which sounds like a great idea.
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